Every day, people are forced to deal with the paradox of choice: in the grocery store, on Netflix, and now when purchasing a new vehicle. In the past few years, electric vehicles have gone from a niche luxury item to a viable option for many consumers, and each year more and more car companies have and will be adding electric models to their fleet. Siffra’s mission is to help consumers make an informed choice by collecting all publicly available data and presenting it in an easy-to-digest manner.
When I was asked to be the Founding Product Designer for Siffra, I knew the biggest issue for the product would be striking the right balance between presenting enough information for the consumer that they feel productive, but not too much that they feel overwhelmed by what’s on the page. Visually organizing all of the data that was meant to be presented on each page would be high priority. But what is the type of data that the user wants to know? For that, we ended up working backwards by using intuitive methods to create a testing model. (More information on that below.)
With our first iteration complete, we worked to assemble a clickable prototype in Figma and used this prototype to have a round of moderated testing sessions. This turned out to serve as our most important research tool; we were able to gauge the data points that users gravitated towards the most and gathered some suggestions for data points that were not yet available. While feedback post-testing surveys said that they found the site to be easy to navigate and intuitive, I was able to note observations of when users found themselves at a loss of where to go next on the page, either due to poor use of space, lack of affordances, or because of expectations set up for them by other sites. With this in mind, I worked to create the second iteration of the prototype, which would become the site’s MVP.
Some of the features included in this post-testing MVP include:
Checkboxes for more specific financial incentives (such as a military discount), so that the user can easily calculate their full potential savings
Integration of other minor details such as cargo volume, safety features, and bi-directional charging (if available)
Update visual cues, tooltips and error messages to better guide the user through the site